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ich bin Philipp, Trainer, Coach und Experte für authentische Kommunikation.
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Was meine Klienten über mich sagen…
Some say a technical degree can set you up in life quite OK. And some are earning a lot because that is what they do all day and night (write code for example). Even so, to be really successful, happy and satisfied you need a lot more. A good start is improving your soft skills and in general opening to new perspectives. I am lucky to have a trainer as a friend who just through his extroverted personality likes to share his knowledge. Being excellent at what I do comes also from learning about my personality type, improving my communication skills and having a good mentor and friend that can teach you these and a lot more: Philipp.
Timea Turdean, Technical Consultant, Semantic Web CompanyThe training was a success in terms of practical applications afterwards and also in terms of engagement of the participants. Regardless of the people's backgrounds, they joined in equally to share experiences and learn from each other under Philipp's guidance.
Krisztina Orosz, Supply Chain Manager, Flatout TechnologiesThe various trainings that were delivered by Philipp were always engaging and a perfect mix between theoretical background and practical exercises. The skills that I have gained during his trainings helped me a lot in my professional career later on.
Sinziana Birta, IT Specialist, Christian Doppler LaborI am glad I received a couple of trainings by Philipp. I've developed some skills not only by theory, but mostly by experiencing it myself during great hands-on exercises.
Michael Revesz, PhD, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Austrian Institute of TechnologyPhilipp has an awesome understanding of the audience and can engage everyone no matter their background! I had the chance to participate in an advanced session on personality types, and not only he was really expressive about the knowledge he wanted to transfer, but he combined the exercise with the theory part so fluently that everyone was on the same page at the end of the session. Best training ever!
Dimitris Karanassos, Trainers' Community Supervisor, BEST GhentBoth participating in Philipp's training and cooperating with him on a big training event leave me no doubt, that he's fully capable to assess the training needs in any case and execute a complementary training session accordingly. His empathetic approach towards the participants makes him a person who knows perfectly how to work the hardest crowd.
Krzysztof Nowak, Trainer und Marketing Specialist, BEST GliwiceThe sessions Philipp delivered helped me a lot during the past year. They were held in a professional and comprehensive way. For the future I am looking forward to work again with Philipp.
Davor Pasovic, Vizepräsident Kooperationen BEST WienI had the chance to participate in several training sessions lead by Philipp on various fields such as fundraising, persuasion or personality types. Independent of the topic - both hard and soft skill - Philipp always managed to enthral his participants within shortest time, thus triggering great interest on the subject and generating a thrilling dynamic within the group.
Bernhard Stecher, President, BEST WienPhilipp combines a great set of skills: he easily acquires a thorough understanding of the needs of his trainees, can create a natural and easy flowing learning experience, is well prepared and yet humble about his expertise in his training topics, and always openminded towards any occurring situation. With this he has succeeded to always meet my needs and push me forward, in every single coaching and training session.
Arnulf Moshammer, Stv. Präsident BEST GrazPhilipp was one of the most inspiring trainers at my Train the Trainer event, who motivated me a lot to continue my trainers’ path. He always keeps the attention of audience at high level, it is very easy to listen to him and enjoy the energy in the room. Philipp is very knowledgeable in the topics that he delivers and magically combines serious theory with humour and relevant life experiences. In my daily life I work with challenging electrical engineers from different countries and the knowledge I gained about communication, personality types and group dynamics currently is saving me a lot from misunderstandings and inefficient work. Also, as a soft skills trainer in my training sessions I am using some of Philipp's methods and ideas that I have powerfully experienced in his sessions. Thank you, Philipp, for the inspiration!
Kristine Marcina, Project Lead bei "Augstsprieguma tikls", Co-Gründerin von "izaugs.me"The training provided an understanding of the ''big picture'' while still tackling the different building blocks and details of the topic. It was a valuable hands-on experience and the way Philipp facilitated the learning experience, draw a lot of positive outcomes for me individually and the group as a unit as well.
Jānis Jakobs, Trainer und Co-Founder von “izaugs.me”Philipp has found a way of holding a workshop with such a generic topic as Presentation Skills in an exciting manner with practical tips. Valuable!
Eva Maurina, vormals CFO, Flatout Technologies